Guild Wars 2 - Shadows Provisions (The Desolation achievement)

Описание к видео Guild Wars 2 - Shadows Provisions (The Desolation achievement)

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This is a collection achievement in The Desolation.
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►From Bonestrand waypoint
0:00 Intro
0:08 1. Silent Vale
From Bonestrand wp, head E to Silent Vale. Skimmer up the ledge that separate the waters. The provisions are on one of the rocks.

1:15 2. Boundary Preserve
From #1, head SE. Springer up the top of a rock pillar.

2:34 3. Sandfall Sanctum
From Bonestrand wp, head E of Palawa Cut. Same room as the mp. Use Jackal 3 to go through the Sand Portal. Soon as you exit, tp forward again through another Sand Portal.

►From The Scourgeway waypoint
3:58 6. The Scourgeway
Head NW to a rock island.

4:32 12. Poisoned Outcrops
Use a Springer & head NE. Up on a rock cropping, E of the HP.

5:26 11. Helcoid Seeps
Head further E, by a sulfur pool. You will take some dmg when picking them up.

6:45 13. High Above the Poisoned Outcrops
From #11, head SW to a rocky hill. Use a Springer.

8:17 7. The Scourgeway
Head S. Watch out for traps. The provisions are on a ledge. Need Raptor 3.

9:11 15. Zayan Gate Overlook
Head S to the Griffon Roost. Watch out for traps. The provisions are in one of the towers high above.

10:34 16. Shattered Ravines
From #15, glide south to a rock hill with Forged mortars. Springer up to this spot & range DPS the mortars.

11:34 18. Southern Ruination
Head further SW. The provisions are across the ravine, near some scaffolding with forged mobs.

►From Lair of the Forgotten waypoint
12:18 14. Lair of the Forgotten
Head E & Springer up the cliff.

►From The Darklands waypoint
13:09 8. Torment’s Watch Overlook
Use a Springer to go up the rocks behind the wp.

13:45 9. Caustic Spur
Head W. The provisions are by the sulfur floor, guarded by a ton of harpies.

14:40 5. Sulfur Quarry Overlook
Go through the tunnels & head north to a ledge by some scaffolding. Use a Springer.

15:49 4. Sulfur Quarry
From #5, head NW. The provisions are inside one of the wooden tubes.

►From Sand Jackal Run waypoint
16:45 19. High above the Ruptured Heart
Go through the Sand Portal on the same platform. Head N to another Sand Portal.

17:54 10. Vitriolic Rim
From #19, come back through the Sand Portal. Head W to another Sand Portal. This puts you up on the ledges. Take one more Sand Portal, then teleport to the rock pillar where the provisions are.

19:08 20. Sand Jackal Run
Head N. You can raptor or springer up to the platform where the provisions are.

19:46 21. Sand Jackal Run
Go down the steps & through the Sand Portal. This puts you at the heart up top. Go N & behind the Sand Portal by the fire braziers. The provisions are on a floating platform behind it.

20:38 22. Sand Jackal Run
From #21, head S to a Sand Portal by the Champion Jackal Tamer Etuz. The provisions is on a platform nearby.

►From Joko's Domain waypoint
21:25 17. Fort Huduh Overlook
Head N towards Fort Huduh PoI. To access Fort Huduh, complete the Junundu Rising META event. You can just springer jump up.

22:35 25. Basaltic Fringe
Head SE to the Lupicus Boneyard PoI.

23:40 23. Joko’s Domain
Head S into Joko's Domain. Go past the gateway. Turn right & up the spiral stairway.

24. High Above the Bone Palace
high up at the top of the bone palace. The W side has less mobs patrolling near the jump area. Use a Springer 3. Getting to the top also gives the Bone Palace Pinnacle achievement.

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