This is an update to a previous lesson, so if you’ve yet to view the original video, I recommend you do so here: • How To Find Food Fast On DayZ
We’ll begin with one of the most fruitful methods of effective food collection; Tree Cycling. Virtually every spawn location in Chernarus and Livonia have fruit-bearing trees within their immediate vicinity. Said trees produce APPLES, PLUMBS and PEARS. Familiarize yourself with the aesthetic differences between dried and rotten fruits. Dried fruits are safe to consume and resistant to spoilage. Rotten fruits have a chance to cause illness that will exacerbate starvation if not remedied expediently.
All fruits spawn beneath the canopies of their applicable tree species. Apples spawn one-per-tree whilst plums and pears spawn in...pairs. With your vicinity tab opened, carefully peruse beneath each tree for fruit spawns. During this process, it is important to also collect rotten fruits, because if allowed to remain in their spawn point, no other produce will spawn in their place.
Another quick means of amassing ample amounts of appetizers is by farming zombies. Carefully round up a pack of zombies and secure yourself in a nearby building with a ground-floor window. The A.I. won’t attack you through walls, thus affording you the ability to dispatch them safely. You can also use VOIP (or in-game communications)to lure the undead to your kill-box.
In my experience, there is roughly a 1 in 5 chance that a downed zombie will have food, drink or a knife variant inside their inventory. The downside to this method is obviously the chance of becoming overwhelmed when that huddle becomes a horde. So, take cautions not to become food instead of finding some.
Another hidden hotspot for easily earned edibles are these vendor kiosks located in most villages, towns and cities. Here you’ll find such filling foods as cereals and honey, which happen to be two of the most filling foods available.
The spawn-points are located within the huts on the shelves, chillbox, counter and floor. Sidenote; be sure to climb the ladder to the roof as it is very common to find guns and ammo atop the structure.
When looting the kiosks, make a habit of inspecting the inventories of clothing items spawned there as well. Because oftentimes they contain foods and beverages alongside weapons and ammo.
The most annoying cocks in DayZ, aside from the Reddit Admins, are one of the easiest ways to obtain sustenance while on your travels about the landscapes of Chernarus and Livonia. Along with these crowing cockerels can also be found three phenotypes of hens begging you to come and eat their breast meat.
Chickens can be killed barehanded and placed inside of your inventory given enough space is provided. In my experience, chicken corpses become rotten after about 90 minutes, giving you plenty of time to locate an edged weapon to skin and quarter them with.
If you’re unfamiliar with the necessary steps to light a fire, take a look at our guide on the topic here.
In a recent survey of my subscribers, most players remarked that, after spawning on the coast, the first places they check for food are houses. Houses can be a somewhat reliable source for food and beverage spawns, yet much more time consuming. This is why my method for quickly searching houses for food without unnecessarily wasting time is window shopping.
Searching the shelves and surfaces of houses can be done from the outside much more quickly than entering and pouring over each home on the map. Most items can be looted right through the shattered windows without opening a door.
Take note that you can also run the elevated trim and edges of some homes to gain a better perspective of their contents. This also gives you an advantage against other survivors, zombies and potential booby traps.
Finally, just because the food icon on your status bar says you’re full doesn’t mean you are. Continue consuming foods until the stomach icon is displayed. This symbol denotes that your survivor’s stomach is completely full. To prevent vomiting, stop imbibing immediately after this status appears and refrain from sprinting until it dissipates.
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