OAuth 2.0 from Protecting APIs to Supporting Authorization & Authentication - Aaron Pa... - ASW

Описание к видео OAuth 2.0 from Protecting APIs to Supporting Authorization & Authentication - Aaron Pa... - ASW

OAuth 2.0 is more than just a single spec and it's used to protect more than just APIs. We talk about challenges in maintaining a spec over a decade of changing technologies and new threat models. Not only can OAuth be challenging to secure by default, but it's not even always inter-operable.

Segment Resources:

- https://oauth.net/2.1
- https://oauth.net/specs/
- https://oauth2simplified.com/
- https://oauth.net/2/dpop/
- https://oauth.net/2/oauth-best-practice/
- https://oauth.net/fapi/
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/d...

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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/asw-289


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