SCP-425 | The Infinity Broadcast (SCP Orientation)

Описание к видео SCP-425 | The Infinity Broadcast (SCP Orientation)

SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.

Today we will be studying Item number SCP-425: The Infinity Broadcast, Object class: Euclid.

SCP-425 appears to be a 1958 Philco Tandem Predicta television set. It was brought into Foundation custody and studied for six weeks by SCP staff with no conclusive findings. It was initially classed as Safe until 03/24/1963, when it turned on by itself and began "broadcasting."

Of the five staff that were in the room at the time, four experienced a shared vision of what they described as "infinity." They also reported hearing an atonal sound that seemed to come from the walls. These four staff members, while somewhat alarmed by the experience, felt a general sense of well-being. They described the feeling as "knowing that there was something else out there beyond us."

The fifth staff member (Subject Zero) provided a differing account of the experience. Subject Zero described a vision of moving extremely quickly through space to the event horizon of a black hole, where he experienced "a crushing sense of oblivion." Subject Zero was extremely shaken by this vision and the whispering and reported recurring nightmares for weeks following the event. He also reported that he no longer took comfort in the company of others and felt lonely even with groups of friends.

Proceed to begin your training.

This video is derived from and released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0. Contributor: Descendant X

Voice Over Artist: Greg Katerman; Twitter: @DatGreyMind

Attribution: uinsean
Stock images and videos provided by and

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