Vlogmas Day 27 | January 2025 Monthly Budget | Magic Month | Family of 5

Описание к видео Vlogmas Day 27 | January 2025 Monthly Budget | Magic Month | Family of 5

#budget2024 #budgeting #debtfreejourney #budgetcommunity #debtfreecommunity #zerobasedbudget #paycheckbudget #weeklybudget #budgetwithme #weeklycheckin

If you're interested in saving money on your mobile bill by switching to Mint Mobile, please use my link!


Hi, my name is Stephanie! I'm a 38 yo, a wife and a mom of 3. My family and I are on a journey to become debt free! We're currently working on paying off what started as $77k in credit card debt. We now owe less than $50k!

If you like monthly budgets, weekly budgets, transaction tracking, debt updates, grocery hauls and cash stuffing, make sure you hit that subscribe button so you dont miss a thing!

IG : budget_for_5_with_stephanie
Happy mail : Ask me :)
Email: [email protected]


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