Peace Of Mind Light Language. Clear Negative Thoughts. Arcturian & Pleiadian Transmission

Описание к видео Peace Of Mind Light Language. Clear Negative Thoughts. Arcturian & Pleiadian Transmission

Light Language 2022
Clear Negative Thoughts Light Language Transmission

Dear Ones,
My intention with todays Light Language healing is to bring you peace of mind, to clear negative thoughts and obsessive thinking. Most of our suffering comes from our lower mind being overactive and our tendency to believe everything it tells us. as we evolve and embody more light it is easy to feel ungrounded. When we are not grounded in Mother Earth we feel unsafe. This activates our inner wounds which activates negative and fearful thinking as a way for our lower mind to keep us out of danger.
We are here to remember that we are divine beings in physical form. This recognition will allow us to let light, love, peace and joy to be our guiding light instead of fear and negativity. The ego mind is a part of our human nature, we do not have to fight it. We just have to understand it´s purpose and to remember that it is not who we are. As we remember and return to our True self illusions will have to step aside as we allow them to be replaced by Truth. In Thruth we recognize there is nothing to fear and fear will have no longer have power over us. We are free.
May Peace be with you all.

With love,

Donation for support. May this return to you a thousand-fold.💗🙏

If you are in need of deeper healing I do offer one-on-one sessions.
Email me at:
[email protected]


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