Becoming a single mom by choice?

Описание к видео Becoming a single mom by choice?

To be clear yall know it doesn’t take millions to be a stable and great parent to provide for your growing baby BUT having more always always always helps and ads a layer of peace of mind
as kids grow they only continue to need more.

There is nothing worse than feeling like a charity case of a parent, always needing handouts and donation school supplies, food bank groceries and hand me down clothes, toys and baby gear from concerned friends and family because “ they know you don’t have a lot right now” 😩
again, if and when you have more than enough income or a business as an establised and successful woman and you feel you are set financially then it is so much easier when you decide when and how you become a mom
On yours terms
Remember money just gives us better options, quality and the availability to choose 🧡


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