Optical Metasurfaces for Étendue Reduction In Wireless Communication

Описание к видео Optical Metasurfaces for Étendue Reduction In Wireless Communication

This paper was presented at the Optical Wireless Communication conference during the Photonics Applications Week

Jaime GÓMEZ RIVAS, Shaojun WANG, Institute for Photonic Integration, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands [email protected]


The conservation of the étendue of light sources, defined as the product of the source’s area by the solid angle of the emission, by optical components, sets a limit on how well the emission from a large area and bright source can be focused. Focusing on small areas is crucial for a fast optical detection due to the reduction of the response time of photodetectors by the residual capacitance as their size increases. Therefore, significant efforts have been dedicated to overcoming the fundamental limit set by the conservation of the étendue.

For more information about the Optical Wireless Communication Conference, please visit http://www.owcconference.com
For more information about the Photonics Applications Week, go to http://www.photonicsapplicationsweek.com
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