Best Space games of 2021 - Current, Dead, Done and Upcoming!

Описание к видео Best Space games of 2021 - Current, Dead, Done and Upcoming!

Full compilation of best(mostly) of space games in 2021, including games from 2014, 2016,2018,2020 and even planed 2022! All these games with a few exceptions are interesting space sim, space ship focused nonsense and more.Some of these games are my TOP picks, others - exact opposite. Some of these games are "AAA", others are full on indie titles. All these games include a bit of everything, space combat, space exploration,space trading, space toilet using, space ship and more!
Following games are included :
STAR WARS: Squadrons
Elite Dangerous
X4: foundations
No Man's sky
Starpoint Gemini 3
Objects in space
Everspace 2
Space Engineers
Rebel galaxy Outlaw
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
FTL: faster than light
Helium rain
Outer wilds
Redout Space Assault
Flight Of Nova
SPACERIFT: Arcanum System
Earth Analog
Star Citizen / Squadron42
Infinity Battlescape
Dual Universe
Kerbal Space Program 2

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