Описание к видео FULFILLING OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECIES | Sabbath School Lesson 8 | 4Q 2024

Sabbath School Lesson Review | 4Q 2024
Lesson 8: "Fulfilling Old Testament Prophecies"
Review with Pastor Lex Mercado

The evidence continues to mount concerning the divinity of Jesus. In his Gospel, John provides more convincing proof that Jesus is indeed who He claims to be—the Son of God, sent to rescue sinful humanity. In this Gospel, Jesus reasons with people in order to get them to look at His pristine character, His divine credentials, His mighty words, and His miraculous works.

As the incarnate Son of God, Jesus came to save this sinful world. He was one with the Father. Thus, Jesus said and did everything in accordance with the will of the Father. Christ was God’s greatest gift to humanity, and without such a gift, the world would be doomed. Yet, sadly and ironically, in spite of this truth, most of the world, which He created, did not believe in Him. Neither did His own people. John made this point abundantly clear. What a tragedy that God’s creatures, made in His image, rejected His indispensable Gift! Jesus “was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him” (John 1:10-11).

This week, we shall study some pertinent prophecies in the Scriptures that clearly reveal Jesus as the promised Messiah. Moreover, we will examine the specific details of how these prophecies were precisely fulfilled. For example, we will look at the fulfillment of the prophecy about how Jesus would enter Jerusalem, riding on a donkey (Psalms 118:26; Zechariah 9:9). We also will look at the prophecy of the disciple who would betray Him (Psalms 41:9). Moreover, we will study the dynamic of why some leaders decided to reject Him while, surprisingly, others chose to believe in Him. Ultimately, in this process, we will consider the question: What does it mean to have the mindset of reasoning “from beneath,” according to John 8:23, versus a mindset of reasoning from above?


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