八路軍軍歌 - Song of the Eighth Route Army

Описание к видео 八路軍軍歌 - Song of the Eighth Route Army

"8th Route Army" officially "18th Group Army" was a NRA unit in 2nd Sino-Japanese War, But practically under command of the CCP

鐵流兩萬五千里 指向著一個堅定的方向
苦斗十年鍛煉成一支 不可戰勝的力量
一旦強擄寇邊疆 慷慨悲歌奔戰場
首戰平型關 威名天下揚
首戰平型關 威名天下揚

游擊戰敵后方 鏟除偽政權
游擊戰敵后方 堅持反掃蕩
鋼刀插在敵胸膛 鋼刀插在敵胸膛
巍峨長白山 滔滔鴨綠江
爭民族獨立 求人類解放

*This video has been uploaded only for the purpose of sharing music﹑history﹑Entertainment and Educational uses,
It Does not intend for any Political Propagandas, or any hate speech toward any Country﹑Ethnicity or Organizations.
上傳此視頻僅用於分享音樂、歷史、娛樂及教育用途, 並無意進行任何政治宣傳, 或是對任何國家、種族、組織的仇恨言論

(All music audio﹑background picture﹑video footage used in this video does not own by me, all rights belongs to original author
影片中所使用的音頻、背景圖片、視頻片段皆不歸我所有, 所有版權歸原作者所有)


MSSRL(國家及羅曼諾夫王朝遺族安全部?):  / discord  

(All Polandballs are drawn by me
Don't reprint them without my permission pls
影片中的球球都我畫的 未經本人允許拜託請不要轉載)


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