No, you won't get a phone call threatening arrest if you miss jury duty in Cuyahoga County: VERIFY

Описание к видео No, you won't get a phone call threatening arrest if you miss jury duty in Cuyahoga County: VERIFY

On the Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs website, there's a warning about scammers impersonating court and police officials that reads, "If you receive a call telling you that you're about to be arrested because you missed jury duty, hang up. It's a scam."

Department Director Sheryl Harris told me over the phone that scammers are calling people and telling them they’ve missed jury duty, and that they need to stay on the phone with them while they head to the Justice Center immediately. Once the target gets in their car, the scammers tell them the judge got called into a hearing, so they can't fix the problem by showing up any more, and they can only avoid being arrested by sending them money (usually on a gift card or in the form of Bitcoin).

"Police never call people to threaten them with arrest or to demand immediate payment," Harris says.

Cleveland Division of Police Public Information Officer Sergeant Wilfredo Diaz confirmed that, adding, "The police do not have any involvement in jury duty and would not call anyone related to the court process."

As the Department of Consumer Affairs explains, "Courts notify people of jury duty or court appearances by mail."

Cuyahoga County Court spokesperson Darren Toms also said, "If someone fails to show up for jury duty, we will send you a new summons.”

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