Compost Tumbler/Soil sieve/Trommel DIY

Описание к видео Compost Tumbler/Soil sieve/Trommel DIY

Compost tumbler/soil sieve/trommel
Makes processing a breeze!
Washing machine 3 phase motor and VFD
$1000 machine built under $100!
If you are lucky enough to have all these spare parts lying around it could be FREE!
In case you have to buy everything it would still be cheaper then anything on the market!

As a personal side note I have found out that I am processing now literally triple the amount then I was by hand originally! Because while doing this by hand it is kind of exhausting and you want to give up after an hour. Now with this being automated you can let it run until it's done for sure. Which now is about an hour per gallon. Anything more would be no point and anything less while you're just losing. So that being said this particular basket is 4 gal of a full load would be 4 hours. Oh yeah also MUST SET VFD HIGH END FREQ about 2 hairs under centrifugal force. Which is about 18.6 Hz. So during cycle you can vary. I start fresh loads at 9 Hz.

Music in background from radio net app


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