top 5 harmful foods | உணவில் உள்ள் பஞ்ச எதிரிகள் | Aathichoodi

Описание к видео top 5 harmful foods | உணவில் உள்ள் பஞ்ச எதிரிகள் | Aathichoodi

In this video, the doctor explains about 5 harmful foods and side effects.
#aathichoodi #harmfulfood
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The data gave in this video is too instructive, mindfulness and amusement purposes just and ought not to be deciphered as a proposal possibly in support of a particular treatment, item, and game-plan, a medicinal or social insurance supplier. The watcher ought to counsel their family Physician or a certified enrolled therapeutic Practitioner to take any choice according to their well being dependent on the substance or data from the video. The wellbeing mindfulness materials like Relaxation Audios, Diet diagram, Yoga booklet and so forth gave through connections in this channel are implied uniquely for Educational and mindfulness reason shouldn't be utilized without counseling a concerned enrolled Medical professionals.


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