An Important Channeled Message for 2021 - A Year of Revolution: The Deep Desire for Truth & Freedom!

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You are invited to join Sara Landon & The Council for REVOLUTION 2021: The Importance of Love & Consciousness in Action, a 5-part live online channeled video experience starting January 23, 2021. Click here to learn more –

Featured channeled audio extracted from the Masters Class Advanced Program channeled call on January 3, 2021 – Click here to learn more –

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“When you remember that everything is happening for you, you will come back into your power. You will open back up. You will start to see the potentials and possibilities. You will get back in alignment with the flow. You can let energy and light guide the way, and it will be choiceless. And it will be easy, and it will be effortless, and it will be harmonious, and it will be expeditious. But you are asked to show up as love in action and consciousness in action and create the space and fill it with your light and be all that you are and be in your truth and set yourself free and know that the universe is always conspiring in your highest and best good, in your favor. ”

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on January 3, 2021

We are so pleased and delighted to be here in the celebration of a new year, a new time, a new era, a new beginning, and allowing yourself into the excitement and the joy and the potential that exists here and now and will continue to expand and reveal itself to you. A year indeed of revelations, a year indeed of manifestations, and a year indeed of what we might call a revolution—a revolution where you really discover that you are love in action, consciousness in action. You are a miracle-maker in your own life and in the world around you through your love, through your consciousness, through your showing up and really being all that you are.

We are going to give you a message for the month of January’s time, but we are also setting the stage for what you can expect in the year 2021. And know that everything is here and now. You’re not waiting. There are multiple different timelines of potentials and possibilities and infinite, infinite, infinite opportunities for you in 2021.

You are going to realize momentum like you never have before. You’re going to experience a quickening and a momentum in this year’s time that you have been preparing for. And we want to further expand your awareness of how you’ve been preparing for this and why it’s so important, and all the things that you have been doing that you think are a practice that have really been taking you to the next level of elevating your consciousness and your vibration to truly embrace this momentum that is coming.

You’re going to see many people stepping up in what you might call a revolution. Your collective has felt very isolated, very repressed, very held back, very unable to express itself. And as you find yourself moving in and of the world again, interacting and traveling and moving back into life in the months to come, you’re going to find many people who feel this sense of revolution and a need to express themself. We will call it truth. We will call it freedom. You are going to find a deep, deep, deep desire and choiceless expression of truth and freedom in your life and in the world around you.

Now, we are not talking about truth from the perspective of who is right and who is wrong. And any time you find yourself in a position of fighting against who is right and who is wrong, that is not what we would call truth. We are talking about the truth—your connection to Source, your connection to Divine, the expression of the Source/God that you are in the world, the fullness of all that you are, the love that you are, the soul, the being, the light that you are. This is the truth we speak of.

You’re going to find that things become choiceless in a way that you barely scratched the surface of in 2020. You’re going to find the word choiceless to mean something so much more in 2021. You’re just going to have a moment where things are choiceless. You cannot go back. You cannot dim your light. You cannot pretend anymore. You can’t hold yourself back, and you cannot create limitation that keeps you stuck in a situation or circumstances where you are not living your truth.

You will desire freedom to be all that you are and to live your life fully and to love fully in ways that you never have before. But we have given you some very important practices to prepare for this time of freedom, this time of truth, this time of momentum and a quickening and even greater awakening within you and all around you.


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