Mattie Professional | Semi-Permanent VEGAN Hair Dye - RESULT & REVIEW -

Описание к видео Mattie Professional | Semi-Permanent VEGAN Hair Dye - RESULT & REVIEW -

Do you find it exciting to dye your hair or are you tired of your hair color? No problem! Mattie's hair dye is semi-permanent and lasts up to 14 washes. Mattie is the ideal solution for providing you temporarily with a striking hair color. ( for more reviews & results

How about striking colors such as Lilac, Emerald Green or Special Pink? Or do you prefer a neutral shade such as Silver Gray, Jet Black or Red. In any case, all these colors are intensely covering and of high quality. Whichever color you choose, you are at least assured of a striking look. We want to give everyone the opportunity to enjoy intense colors without damaging the hair.

Mattie Semi-Permanent Hair Dye is completely free from ammonia and peroxide, so it is a healthy and non-damaging way of adding color to your hair!

Thanks to Hair Salon She-Ross for the amazing video!

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Mattie Professional | Semi-Permanent VEGAN Hair Dye - RESULT & REVIEW -


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