pressC1 Dylan Wang can't even takes his eyes off Esther's cardboad poster

Описание к видео pressC1 Dylan Wang can't even takes his eyes off Esther's cardboad poster

DD shows lack of interest when others talk about general stuff
Little brother mentions XinXin ( DD perks up and turns heard immediate ly and got focus, interested and engaged)
Little brother: " on the scene in general, she would look herself in the mirror and comb her bags"
XX's cardboard post came in.
DD: "speaking of the devil , here comes the devil" (chinese idiom, nothing related to the drama devil role)
DD: "smart girl, wearing our's family clothing"
DD :" Our family's clothing is pretty, right ? right?"
Charles: "really really, i feel it looks pretty too"
DD "looks much better than the other tribe's clothing"

--Bazar interview , DD argues with XX about which tribes has better looking clothes --

DD: "better looking than the other tribe's cloth, mmm"
little bro & charles both broke up laughing ( they probably it so silly that DD takes this kind of stuff so seriously)
DD: " why laugh? Isn't it true"?
Charles: "yes yes yes"
lLittle bro: "true true true"
Charles: "a bit too sudden"
--- it's not too sudden, it's a secret between your lord and his lady , someone here hasn't still got out of the role, even thought it's been over a year" ---
DD kept staring at XX poster as though she's there with him.
Host: " what kind of fun stuff did you have with XX during filming?"
DD: "fun stuff, jumping on the spring bed, pretty happy at that time, play jumping on the spring bed".
Pointing and touching at poster as though she's there, and the stares.. This boy can't even resist poster.
host: "what's the main difference between wanghedi & dfcc?"
DD: " He doesn't have emotional feelings, I have feelings"
DD is glued to the poster, just like he is too XX In person.
DD smiles when asked to stand up to take a pic, and starts to jump.
Little Bro : "treat her well"
Charles: "Do you want to hug her (hold her in your arms)?"
This ending part is so funny. DD, why are you sticking so close to little bro? Look at the huge gap between DD and the other girl. DD be like "little wifey is not here, let me stick to you little bro"


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