Learn From The Masters - Managing Calcified Bifurcation Coronary Lesions (June 2024)

Описание к видео Learn From The Masters - Managing Calcified Bifurcation Coronary Lesions (June 2024)

Patient Demographics

78 yrs, M CAD Risk Factors
Hypertension- controlled
Hyperlipidemia- controlled
NIDDM- controlled

Present Clinical Presentation

Presented with CCS class Il angina, CTA revealing
LAD and RCA disease and stress MPI for inferior and apico-lateral ischemia

Clinical Variables
Known CAD s/p DES PCI of D1 and PL 2011, EF 60%
SAQ-7: 79

Aspirin, Losartan, Amlodipine, Metoprolol XL, Rosuvastatin, Ezetimibe, Glucophage, Glimepiride

Cath: Cath on June 4th 2024 revealed calcific 3 V CAD with ISR; 80-90% multiple RCA lesions, 80% LPL DES ISR, 70-80% calcified bifurcation LAD/D1 (1,1,0) with FFR 0.76, LVEF 50% & Syntax score 22. Pt underwent RotaSynergyDES of RCA/LPL & did well.


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