The Deadliest US Submarine with a Horrifying End

Описание к видео The Deadliest US Submarine with a Horrifying End

Beneath the waves, USS Albacore, with one of the most successful and daring American Submarine crews, stalked the Massive Taiho Japanese Carrier. It was the summer of 1944, and Japan believed they had one last shot at destroying the American Pacific fleet before the Imperial Japanese Navy was utterly overwhelmed. They had new, potent aircraft like the A6M Zero Model 52 and powerful, cutting-edge carriers that, if used decisively, could help turn the tables.

One of their aces in this long-shot gamble was the Taiho, an aircraft carrier unlike any other, equipped with a unique armored deck that made her near impervious to bombs, torpedoes, or shells. Commanding this ultimate flagship, Japan aimed to destroy the American Navy in the Battle of the Philippine Sea.

Taiho unleashed a swarm of warplanes into the skies as the battle erupted.
The Jewel of the Japanese Navy was within their grasp. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Just as Albacore aligned for a perfect hit, the unexpected happened: the submarine’s Torpedo Data Computer started giving false information.

Unable to accurately target Taiho, she was about to slip through Albacore’s fingers. Lieutenant Commander James W. Blanchard was not about to let that happen. Known for doing whatever it took to get the job done, he and his crew were ready to improvise. Blanchard ordered his men to fire a broad fan of six torpedoes, hoping at least one would find its mark…


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