报恩开启生命的变革——SGM 会员故事(第18集)

Описание к видео 报恩开启生命的变革——SGM 会员故事(第18集)

Repaying gratitude opens the door to a transformation of life (SGM Members' Stories 18.0)

荣志以前总觉得没钱是一种羞耻,一种罪过,自卑感让他总是怪罪于父亲无法给予他丰裕的生活。当他成功步上医学之路时,他想成为很厉害的人、能赚大钱的人,但这一切却换来了痛苦的经历。 如今他已成为一名医生、也是一名父亲,在自我反省的觉悟中,让他从生命奥底化怨恨为感恩,回报他的父亲和身边的所有人,活出了报恩和奉献的人生。

#自卑感 #自我反省的觉悟 #感恩 #报恩

Yoon Kee used to feel that being poor was a shameful thing and a sin. His sense of low self-esteem always made him blame his father for not giving him a good life. When he succeeded in his medical studies, he wanted to become powerful and earn a lot of money. However, everything became a painful experience. Now that he has become a doctor and a father, his self-reflection has allowed him to turn his resentment into gratitude, repaying his father and everyone around him, and to live a life of gratitude and contribution.

#lowself-esteem #self-reflection #gratitude

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