Automatic sardine cooker CDA

Описание к видео Automatic sardine cooker CDA

Machine designed for cooking and drying, if required, the fish, already packed in cans.

The main feature of this machine is that the fish is cooked already packed in the upside down cans, thus allowing the grease and water to drain away during the cooking process and also fish drying, in order to produce an end product having better quality, presence and flavour.

In this cooker, the cans are automatically loaded in the grilles, which are then automatically rotated prior to entering the cooking area in order to position the cans upside down and they are automatically rotated again before unloading the grilles, all of which is performed by mechanical movements without any operator intervention.

It is available in several sizes according to the required production and adapted to the necessary format.

It may or may not include a drying area depending on the required type of product.

It is equipped with independent temperature selectors for the cooking and drying areas, with graphic recorders and temperature sensors.

Energy-efficient machine:

It is fitted with a closed serpentine in the drying area and purger for condensate recovery.
Automatic temperature control and modulated steam entrance valves.
Single-point recovery of oil and grease produced during cooking so that it can be subsequently recycled.

Constructed in AISI-304 stainless steel.


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