What Is Soy Pulp? A Detail Explanation/Okara/Soybean/Soymilk/Tofu/Easy Cooking/Healthy Nutritious

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What is Soy pulp? Soy pulp is also called Okara. Soy pulp is coming from yellow beans
Yellow beans are used to make soy milk or tofu
It is the leftover yellow beans after making soy milk.
Soy pulp is high in protein and has a mild flavor which can't really taste like it.
Soy pulp is used in stews, chopped dishes and salads but also in cookies and cakes.

Dried soy pulp consists of about 57-59% dietary fibers,15-34% protein,
6-16% fat, as well as a considerable amount of mineral elements such as calcium, potassium, iron, and antioxidant substances, including isoflavones. Okara is beneficial as a weight-loss dietary supplement with a possible prebiotic impact, because okara is responsible for lowering body weight and more fecal fermentation.

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