Bereshit Secrets from the first word of the Torah/Bible

Описание к видео Bereshit Secrets from the first word of the Torah/Bible

Bereshit” in the beginning that is the first word in the Torah. 

That word can't be taken lightly.  It's like the seed, that has all the future hidden code within. The more you go to the source the more depth you will find. So lets dive right into it. 

 translated as in the beginning also
 א בתשרי
which is Rosh Hashana. the day that the world was created was on Rosh Hashana 
בית ראש 
the house first. the first spec of the world acc to Judaism is at the holiest point of the world where the holy of holies sat and that was in temple mount
ברא שתי 
Created two. Two worlds this world and the world to come
ירא שבת
Also spells fear shabbat because the world was created for shabbat like we say in lecha dodi סוף מעשה במחשה תחילה the end result is always at the initial thought. whenever you create something the end result is what is in mind. shabbat is the end result. shabbat in this world is meeyn olam haba. no more creativity. its just us being and connecting. the biggest shabbat is the world to come where we can absorb the goodness of hashem. which is really the only good there is. and thats what this world was created for.

Bwreshit also spells ברא שית
created six
six days of the week was the creation. we also know that 6000 years will the first stage of the world be. we are currently in the year 5781

bereshit also spells ברית אש
the covenant of fire. whats called a brit or a covenant of fire. the Torah. fire is what purifies us. the way to purify and become the best of ourselves is to stick to the directions of the Torah

there is also a discussion of why it started with the letter ב  and not Alef? the first of the hebrew alpha bet. and the answer given is because its a bracha. a blessing. the Torah wants us to be blessed. God created us to give to us.

alef is the numerical value of one
bet also is the numerical value of 2.
The first letter is 2 as it represents the two worlds. the physical world and the world to come.

2 also represents the two Torahs the written law and the oral law.

finally on a kabalistic level 2 represents the finite world. where it appears that everything is now separated.

alef represents Hashem. as its numerical value is one. it goes in all directions and bet turns away from alef.  reminding us that when the finite world was created God who is infinite is hidden. what happened before a finite reality is beyond our limited comprehension. God is hidden from us when we are in a finite space.
thats why the world is also עולם
which means עלם hidden

the word for hashem אלהים (with out the letter vav) is 86 which turns out to be the same numerical value of הטבע 86 hateva which is nature. because the natural world which is physical and finite hides our ability to see the infinite.

This and so much more is all hidden in the word Bereshit in the beginning, because when you understand that this is a book written by the creator of the universe the depth behind it is unlimited.

thank you for listening


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