Webinar I Prediction in practice: Applying the new Aus CVD Risk Calculator | Heart Foundation

Описание к видео Webinar I Prediction in practice: Applying the new Aus CVD Risk Calculator | Heart Foundation

The Heart Foundation presents the latest clinical webinar, applying the new Aus CVD risk calculator.

Chaired by Professor Garry Jennings, this webinar showcases the new Australian CVD risk guideline and calculator, highlighting key updates and new functionalities. Our expert panel illustrate how to effectively utilise the Aus CVD Risk Calculator in primary care through case-based demonstrations of important new features, such as reclassification factors and risk communication tools, and how they guide optimal management of CVD.

One hour of didactic presentations and discussions from our expert panel includes:
• A recap of the new Australian guideline for assessing and managing cardiovascular disease risk and Aus CVD Risk Calculator, highlighting new features and how the calculator was specifically recalibrated for the Australian population
• Live demonstration of the Aus CVD Risk Calculator, exploring new variables and how they contribute to more accurate risk assessment, risk categories and built-in communication tools. 
• Live demonstration of the diabetes specific equation and application of reclassification factors focusing on coronary artery calcium scores, highlighting key practice points and management considerations. 

Get to know the Australian Guideline for assessing and managing CVD risk and Aus CVD Risk Calculator here: https://cvdcheck.org.au


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