Intro to MediatR - Implementing CQRS and Mediator Patterns

Описание к видео Intro to MediatR - Implementing CQRS and Mediator Patterns

MediatR is a tool that makes implementing the mediator pattern much easier. It also allows us to conform more easily to the CQRS pattern. Now, if I have already lost you, never fear. I am going to briefly touch on what each of those patterns is, why they are important, and when we would use them. Then we will see an example of how to use MediatR in our projects in C#.

0:00 - Intro
1:01 - What is CQRS
3:49 - What is Mediator
9:00 - Mediator Pattern
12:00 - Create BlazorUI app
13:24 - Create DemoLibrary Class Library
15:25 - When should I implement MediatR?
19:22 - Setting up DataAccess class
25:10 - Setting up BlazorUI app
28:18 - Adding MediatR Package
28:48 - Build out MediatR Setup
29:08 - Setting up Queries
30:08 - Difference between Class and Record
30:51 - Setting up GetAll Query
33:33 - Setting up GetAll Handler
38:30 - Configure StartUp (BlazorUI)
43:21 - Inject and use MediatR in a Razor Page
49:30 - Create DemoApi Web API
50:44 - Configure StartUp
51:52 - Create Controller
52:58 - Inject MediatR
53:26 - Implement HttpGet all
54:16 - Run DemoApi
56:27 - Setting up GetById Query
58:05 - Setting up GetById Handler
1:03:11 - Implement HttpGet by Id
1:04:28 - Run DemoApi
1:05:25 - Setting up Insert Command
1:08:55 - Setting up Insert Handler
1:10:34 - Implement HttpPost
1:12:38 - Run DemoApi
1:13:59 - Recap

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