Heart Talk The New Paradigm Man. Video # 2 includes "Event Strings & "Consciousness Journey Begins"

Описание к видео Heart Talk The New Paradigm Man. Video # 2 includes "Event Strings & "Consciousness Journey Begins"

In this video I read and comment of Part 2 & 3 of my "Perspective Reports of the Collected Works of the WingMakers. Here are the links I referred to.
The Consciousness Journey Begins.

If an “Event string” https://wingmakersblogeng.blogspot.co... has somehow touched you and you find yourself examining the Wingmakers materials you will find that you are introduced to a possible future for humanity. Immediately in the Introduction Mahu states,
“Even as we introduce ourselves to earth it’s done under the guise of mythology and story”
Next the reader is given a definition of Myth by Joseph Campbell from The Power of Myth.
“ Myth – a metaphor for what lies behind the visible world”. James Mahu states that he is
“ … creating a mythological story that contains a philosophical system that is being externalized at this time for the next three generations of humanity”
Further in the introduction the reader is asked to consider the core principles and concepts of the Wingmakers as true. John then identifies 11 points that relate to the core principles and concepts. I have included them in total here.

1. We are immortal, discrete, spiritual entities – individuated beings created by God or First Source. We are God fragments.
2. As spiritual entities or (Sovereign Integrals), we inhabit a domain of unity lying outside the space – time three-dimensional universe.
3. Only a small portion of this entity consciousness is embedded within our human forms, which are designed to live in and explore the space-time universe Wingmakers refer to these forms as human instruments. They are designed for emotional, physical and mental functioning.
4. The human instruments inhabiting the physical world have been genetically engineered by the first individuated entities created by First source identified as the Wingmaker’s.
5. As incarnated Human Beings, we experience life as individuals, separated from our core essence.
6. This experience generates uniqueness in the human species and leads to enormous creative diversity across the universe of populated worlds.
7. This universal activity not only evolves the consciousness of the incarnated entities, but also contributes to the evolutionary development of the multiverse.
8. The goal of the human species is to expand consciousness to the stage of the Sovereign Integral in which the certainty of “I am an individual within the species” fuses within the certainty of “I am the species within the individual”. In a sense, the human particle is also the human wave.”
9. The Wingmakers exhort each one of us to strive to live the life of the Sovereign Integral.
10. As a particular threshold of consciousness evolution, the human species of any given planet is considered ready for a major transformation from an isolated planetary- based civilization to a connected inter- planetary civilization.
11. Earth’s humanity has reached this threshold, and consequently the Wingmakers have come forth to guide us to our destiny.

The book then introduces the Lyricus Teaching order of which James claims to be a member of. The LTO is a group of advanced ancient humans that are not earth based. They work with the Wingmaker or also called the “Central Race”. Later on, page 7 we read that Lyricus is not a religious order but focuses on “Science & Culture building” Then lists seven areas of focus including: Genetics, Neo – Sciences, Metaphysics, Sensory data streams, Psycho – Coherence, Cultural Evolution and The Sovereign Integral.


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