loan facility in Sheeps, Goats, Feed and BUY BACK, trainings|| sheep farming|| greenrichindia

Описание к видео loan facility in Sheeps, Goats, Feed and BUY BACK, trainings|| sheep farming|| greenrichindia

#sheep#sheepfarming #nature #wool
This is greenrichindia agro tech farms . our company services. animal hostels,contract farming ,agriculture based technical trainings ,family farmer , agriculture skilled workers training, irrigation technology training and supply ...
1. Animals hostels :
its means integrated dairy farming, goat farming , sheep farming , poultry , quail farming, rabbit farming , pig farming , country chicken , broiler chicken farming ....ect
note : provide loan on birds or animals ,feed and buyback marketing also...
2. contract farming. fruits crop ,vegetables crops and woods plantations. company provide inter crop seed or plants and product marketing (BUYBACK) .. If any interested in farming for further assistance contact us.
#greenrichindia #watermeloncultivation #contractfarming #goatfarming #dairyfarm
#greenrichindia #contractfarming #agriculturefarming #vegetablecrops #fruitcropsfarming #agricultureloboursupply #familyfarmer #trainingsforagriandhorti #thaiguavacontractfarming #papayacontractfarming #bananacontractfarming #vegetablecontractfarming #woodcontractfarming
email I'd : [email protected]
#sheep #farm #nature #lamb #sheepofinstagram #farmlife #animals #wool


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