Dolby On iOS App first test run recording usb feed from a katana go. - thoughts 💭

Описание к видео Dolby On iOS App first test run recording usb feed from a katana go. - thoughts 💭

In our Facebook group

BOSS Katana :Go Owners

We have been working through all sorts of workflow suggestions and this free app came to our attention.

This is my first time using it.

I normally record in stereo the old school way with the twin mics of an iPad Pro gen 3 so you hear absolutely everything in the room warts and all. Picking noises, family downstairs.

This pulls the direct usb audio feed from the Katana Go synched automatically to the front camera .
Obviously it’s not perfect but to me it sounds incredibly honest and good enough to just get the ideas across in terms of audio quality.

I’ve run manually through a bunch of my own presets here .

Further tests will be pushing midi at the Go and aiming for something a bit less random.

Super easy app to deal with for when you’re just starting out and throwing ideas back and forth with your mates.

Link to the app on the AppStore


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