Understanding Genetic Mutations in MDS

Описание к видео Understanding Genetic Mutations in MDS

Learn more about MDS at http://www.YouAndMDS.com
MDS is very different from person to person, so learning your mutation profile is important. Knowing what mutations you have can help you and your doctor understand how you are likely to be affected by your MDS, including how you will respond to certain treatments. Watch to learn about genetic changes in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and the many different driver mutations that are associated with MDS. Some mutated genes are associated with lower-risk disease, while others may indicate greater risk. Your mutation profile can change over time so it is important to repeat the testing at different stages of your treatment. The more you know about your genetic makeup in MDS, the more you will understand the outlook and in some cases, the treatment that is most likely to be effective.


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