'As One' the voice of Nagaland from North East India

Описание к видео 'As One' the voice of Nagaland from North East India

see our web https://www.northeastindia.blog/
This video is tribute to the confluence of different tribes and communities that co-exist in Nagaland such as Assamese, Bengali, Bihari, kachari, n many are their. This is an initiation for peace and unity, to live as one,to promote tolerance and harmony.

Let it remind everyone that all is not lost and we can still live in peace.

This video's copyright is belong to Tribe Music $ Media Lab

Music Director: Mr. Alem Alia Jr.
Advisor: A.R Rahman
Chief Advisor: K.K Paul
Convenor: Isigwang Zeliang
Member:Mr. Anelia Seyie Keretsu

Based on a consept by
Founder & Managing Director: Mr. Zangzang Zeliang


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