Exploring The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales by Louise Barker

Описание к видео Exploring The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales by Louise Barker

Darganfod Tirwedd Lechi Gogledd-orllewin Cymru: Dathlu Safle Treftadaeth y Byd newydd Cymru gan Louise Barker

Ar 28 Gorffennaf 2021 fe ddaeth Tirwedd Lechi Gogledd-orllewin Cymru yn un o Safleoedd Treftadaeth y Byd UNESCO. Arweiniwyd y cais Enwebu llwyddiannus gan Gyngor Gwynedd ar ran partneriaeth a oedd yn cynnwys y Comisiwn Brenhinol, ac roedd yn benllanw mwy na 15 mlynedd o waith caled.

Pwysleisiodd y ddogfen Enwebu bwysigrwydd diwylliant yn ogystal â diwydiant, gan nodi bod Tirwedd Lechi Gogledd-orllewin Cymru yn enghraifft arbennig o dirwedd ddiwydiannol a diwylliannol a weddnewidiwyd gan gloddio am lechi ar raddfa fawr ar yr wyneb ac o dan y ddaear, a chan drin a chludo llechi ar gyfer marchnadoedd lleol a rhyngwladol.

Dyma’r adeg i ddathlu treftadaeth gyfoethog amrywiol diwydiant llechi Gogledd-orllewin Cymru. Mae cymunedau Tirwedd Lechi Gogledd-orllewin Cymru yn parhau i arloesi, ac mae’r dynodiad Safle Treftadaeth y Byd hwn yn cydnabod tirwedd ddiwylliannol nodedig diwydiant llechi Cymru a’i gyfraniad i hanes y byd.

Fe wnaeth y Comisiwn Brenhinol gyfraniad hanfodol i’r ddogfen Enwebu drwy ddarparu cymorth archifol ac arbenigol helaeth, dan arweiniad Louise Barker, uwch archaeolegydd. Ymunwch â Louise ar ymweliad rhithiol â’r Safle Treftadaeth y Byd newydd a dysgwch am ei leoedd a’i henebion a’i gyfraniad i’r byd.


Exploring The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales: A Celebration of Wales’s New World Heritage Site by Louise Barker

On 28 July 2021 The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The successful Nomination bid was led by Gwynedd Council on behalf of a partnership which includes the Royal Commission and was the culmination of over 15 years hard work.

The Nomination document emphasized the importance of culture as well as industry, specifying: 'the Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales represents an exceptional example of an industrial cultural landscape that was profoundly shaped by large-scale slate quarrying and underground mining, and by the working and transport of slate for national and international markets.'

This is the time to celebrate the heritage of the Northwest Wales slate industry in all its rich diversity. The communities of the Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales continue to be innovative, and this designation as a World Heritage site recognises the distinctive cultural landscape of Welsh slate and its contribution to world history.

The Royal Commission’s extensive archive and expertise, led by senior archaeologist Louise Barker, made a fundamental contribution to the nomination document. Join Louise on a virtual visit of the new World Heritage Site, learn about the places and monuments that form it, and its contribution to the World.


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