Diversifying the basket of goods in India's Public Distribution System - Dr. P.K. Joshi

Описание к видео Diversifying the basket of goods in India's Public Distribution System - Dr. P.K. Joshi

In order to understand the constraints and possibilities to achieving a more diversified food system in India, the Institute of Food Security (a nodal research and training institution of the Food Corporation of India) and Tata Cornell Institute (TCI)-TARINA (of Cornell University) jointly organized a National Seminar on “NFSA & beyond: Challenges & Opportunities” with senior policymakers and major stakeholders.

Prior to serving as the Director of South Asia at IFPRI, Dr. Joshi was the Director of the National Academy of Agricultural Research Management in Hyderabad and the Director of the National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research in New Delhi. Earlier in his career, Dr. Joshi was the South Asia Coordinator at IFPRI and Senior Economist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in Patancheru. His areas of research include technology policy as well as market and institutional economics.


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