Celeb Careers That Ended In 2018 Due To An Idiotic Mistake

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If you have nothing good to say don’t say it. In today’s world, if you have nothing good to write, don’t hit send. It’s best to just stay quiet -- it keeps you out of trouble and all is well in the world.

But try telling that to some celebrities. They very likely will not listen even though they should, because they just don’t know how to make nice. Tempers can flare in Hollywood with crazy schedules and lifestyles, which can often lead celebs to make some foolish mistakes.

Those errors in judgment can prove costly for their careers. To find out about celebs whose careers ended in 2018 due to a foolish mistake, watch this video!

#Celebs #Mistakes #Hollywood

Gunn fired | 0:00
"Sweet Christmas" | 1:22
Cheaters never win | 2:20
The Fall of Minaj | 3:06
Mo'Nique can't negotiate | 4:08
"Repellent and stupid" | 5:34
T.J. Miller isn't making friends | 6:22
"Something Special" from Fergie | 7:37
A beef with a beefcake | 8:39
Woody may finally be out | 9:27
Tweeting away a career | 11:03

Read Full Article: https://www.nickiswift.com/136089/cel...


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