Skybrooke Farm : Romney & CVM/Romeldale Sheep

Описание к видео Skybrooke Farm : Romney & CVM/Romeldale Sheep

Helene and Chase Dooley raise registered Romney and CVM/Romeldale sheep in Mocksville, NC. Skybrooke Farm primarily focuses on wool and fiber production from their sheep and alpaca.
The Romney breed is a dual purpose breed that is the finest micron count of the long wool breeds. This is an excellent breed for handspinners and produces mild meat as well. The CVM is a finer fleece breed that is also large with an excellent lofty fleece.
The Dooleys' love natural color wool and their flock reflects that passion.

Helene has been active in the NCSPA since 2019 and enjoys sharing her love of sheep with the community.
Skybrooke Farm sells their wool products on their website: or on Etsy.
You can also follow them on Instagram or Facebook to learn more about their farm.
Thank you for supporting our local producers.


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