8 Ridiculous Ways To Make Money Fast | The Sims 4 Guide

Описание к видео 8 Ridiculous Ways To Make Money Fast | The Sims 4 Guide

This guide looks at eight different and very ridiculous ways to make money incredibly fast in The Sims 4 without using cheats. See a quick summary of all eight different ways below. Please like and comment, and Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/2ZM0L4h

1. Asking sims for a loan (that you will never pay back): At level 7 and 9 Charisma respectively you can ask sims for a small (500 simoleon) and large (2,000 simoleon) loan. Have a high friendship bar before you do this and don't even think about paying it back

2. Ask a rich sim to move in. Simply locate a filthy rich townie, get close with them and ask them to move in with all their household funds before you kick them back out onto the street.

3. Money Tree (Seasons expansion pack required): Save up 5,000 satisfaction points and then use them to purchase the money tree. Simply grow the money tree and then start profiting off of those sweet sweet simoleons.

4. Fishing for omniscian treasures (Jungle Adventure Game Pack Required): Head out to selvadorada and deep into the jungle. Enter the first gate, then all the way north to the second, and then take the most eastern gate. Within this area is a fishing spot that you can fish up omniscian treasures at worst 8-10,000 simoleons a pop.

5. Transforming objects with the SimRay (Get To Work Expansion Pack Required). Upgrade the SimRay (invention from the Science career) to be able to transform objects. Transform 375 simoleon showers to get items worth much more, and sell in build mode.

6. Golden dog poop (Cats and Dogs Expansion Pack Required): Train to level 7 of the veterinarian skill and then create and feed your dog the poop randomiser treat. Make sure they're doing golden poop and then watch them, as they may also poop out a golden bar worth 6,006 simoleons.

7. Scamming sims insurance (Realm of Magic Game Pack Required): Have a spellcaster who knows both inferniate and repairio. Then set an expensive bed on fire, take the insurance payment, and cast repairio to repair it. Then repeat.

8. Baking quality goods (Get To Work Expansion Pack Helps): Buy the cupcake factory and create high quality cupcakes (either the cupcakes requiring level 8 cooking or eclairs requiring level 10 baking) and sell them. Note you'll need them to be excellent quality to sell them to the local bakery. Purchase the marketable trait with satisfactions points to increase profits.

Basics to exploring the jungle in Selvadorada:    • How To Explore The Jungle And Temples...  

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