How to Be Present in Acting

Описание к видео How to Be Present in Acting

To be present when they act, a lot of actors will repress their fear and anxiety. Some will focus on the character or the emotions that the scene demands.

When you try to access your presence by trying things, it’s inevitably painful and a lot of hard work. You try to get somewhere in order to achieve a result. If your route to becoming present is to ‘fix’ yourself in some way, you come off as TRYING to be present. This means you’re not ACTUALLY present. Trying is when you manipulate the outcome so you look present.

Basically, you’re concerned about the future, and therefore you’re not present.

One of the reasons you became an actor is to live in the extraordinary sense of presence because it’s blissful and liberating. It’s really you, living in the moment. The sensation of presence is not you trying to fix your emotions.

Until around 4-5 years old, before society’s conditioning and traditional education that teaches you out of your presence, you were always naturally present. You were born that way. Child actors aren’t interested in booking, or trying to be good. They’re only consumed with playing in their experience. But as they grow up they become conditioned to behave and think in certain ways to fit in society. And their presence is buried under years of wiring and conditioning.

All that needs to disappear so you can be present again. You’d been fed this conditioning your whole life and to undo it will take some work. You can work through these layers that are sitting on top of your authenticity so you can go back to being instinctive and present.

There’s no more effort or trying. Acting becomes completely fun again.

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