How to Bring More Humor to Your Workplace

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Does your workplace have an office clown? Is your office environment one that encourages a hearty laugh, or is humor seen as something that isn't sufficiently serious - or even unprofessional?

Workplace that have a hearty dose of humor as part of their culture often boast higher happiness, wellness, and more open communication than those who don't foster their collective funny bone. So how can we build up a sense of humor in ourselves AND our workplace?

On today's Talk Shop, organizational behavior and workplace culture consultant Mike Kerr gives us the scoop on humor - what is really is, how we can make our offices funnier places to be, and how we can learn to embrace our own funny side...even if you can't tell a joke to save your life.

It's time for less stress and more success with Humor at Work!

Mike Kerr - Humor at Work:


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