System/BOOT | Unleash the Magic Part 2 | TMF | GCMV | Jake | Jomies

Описание к видео System/BOOT | Unleash the Magic Part 2 | TMF | GCMV | Jake | Jomies


(From Part 1)
The Music Club forgives Jake and the win the competition. Drew had broken up with Zoey and Jake decided not to be friends with the jomies anymore and cut off all contact. Lia remained friends with Zoey, fearing Jake hated her because of the audio.

One day, Zoey and Lia run into a magical gem that can take away someone’s special ability (in this case their talent/greatest passion) and decided to use it. Zoey made a deal with Drew that if he got back together with her, then she would use the gem on the music club by taking their talents and giving it to them. That way, Jake would want to be friends with them again now that they knew music.

Drew, Liam and Henry agreed and left it up to Lia to take everyone’s talents one by one. She would trick them into doing something nice for her and then take their talents away (sometimes the gem would do it on its own). What they didn’t know would happen is that the gem would not only suck their talents/passions away, but would make them dull and unhappy as well. Jake and Daisy start noticing the change in their friends behaviors and try to help them get back to normal.

After realizing the music club members didn’t deserve what Lia did, she began to feel guilt and attempted to go against Zoey’s wishes. But as she’s more convinced that this is for the better, the more the gem befand to transfer the music freaks talents onto the jomies. Eventually, Jake realizes whose really behind all of this and leaves the music club members to Daisy, Stacy and Elliot to stop all of this. Yet, he was too late, and the transfer spell had already been completed.

The only issue is, no one knows how this will affect the music club, or even if the jomies will come back the same.

In this video, Jake wakes up after passing out. Daisy is there with him. They are the only two people who remember seeing both the Jomies and Music Club change. Jake immediately blames Zoey and Drew.

Jake and Daisy search for one of the groups in the music room but finds a Diamond/Gem instead. When Jake picks it up, Lia appears but she has taken on the role of The Music Producer (Sean). Eventually, the rest of the Jomies appear one by one with a different role.

Jake is incredibly worried about The Music Club and worries whether or not they have disappeared forever.

Fortunately, they haven’t but they are certainly different from their real self and The Jomies.


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