F. LISZT - Via Crucis S.53 for Piano and Choir (Reinbert de Leeuw)

Описание к видео F. LISZT - Via Crucis S.53 for Piano and Choir (Reinbert de Leeuw)

REINBERT DE LEEUW and the NETHERLANDS CHAMBER CHOIR perform the "14 Stations of the Cross" by FRANZ LISZT. This late composition is often regarded as one of the highest compositional accomplishments of Liszt because of its experimental harmonies almost leaving the limits regarding tonality of the time. The accompaniment instrument for the choir is optional: organ, harmonium or piano can be chosen, but a solo version for piano exists as well. The piece was completed in 1879, but never performed in his life time, although Liszt planned to conduct (and possibly play) it in the Colosseum, however, he never saw it published and died a few years later.

PREFACE: 00:11

Introduction - VEXILLA REGIS: 00:29
STATION 1 - Pilate condemns Jesus to die: 05:41
STATION 2 - Jesus accepts his cross: 07:25
STATION 3 - Jesus falls for the 1st time: 10:11
STATION 4 - Jesus meets his mother Mary: 11:54
STATION 5 - Simon helps carry the cross: 14:43
STATION 6 - Veronica wipes the face of Jesus: 18:18
STATION 7 - Jesus falls for the 2nd time: 21:34
STATION 8 - Jesus meets the 3 women of Jerusalem: 23:14
STATION 9 - Jesus falls for the 3rd time: 26:16
STATION 10 - Jesus is stripped of his clothes: 28:01
STATION 11 - Jesus is nailed to the cross: 30:24
STATION 12 - Jesus dies on the cross: 31:27
STATION 13 - Jesus is taken down from the cross: 38:49
STATION 14 - Jesus is placed in the tomb: 43:10

Illustration of the Stations of the Cross: 48:57
Liszt originally intended to include pictures of woodcuts depicting the Via Crucis by Albrecht Dürer.

Composer: Franz Liszt (1811-1886) - 00:05
Piano: Reinbert de Leeuw (1938-2020) - 00:05

#liszt #viacrucis #stationsofthecross
#14stations #14stationsofthecross #kreuzweg #crucifixus #oratorio #Jesus #jesuschrist #easter #eastermusic #goodfriday #goodsaturday #karfreitag #karsamstag #ostersonntag #impressionism #impressionistmusic #piano #pianocomposition #romanticmusic #romanticism #classicalmusic #classical #composition #composer #composing #sheetmusic #franzliszt #ferencliszt #atonality #atonalmusic #prayer #prayermusic #choir #choirmusic #organ #organmusic

Video made by pianobern69


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