Color Engraving on Metal with xTool F1 Ultra Fiber Laser

Описание к видео Color Engraving on Metal with xTool F1 Ultra Fiber Laser

Learn how color engraving on metal works, what type of metal and laser you need and how to dial in to the perfect settings for colorful results.

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FREE laser guide for beginners, everything you need to know about laser crafting. Subscribe and download now

0:00 Introduction
0:55 Why does metal change color?
1:32 Types of metal
2:23 What laser can be used to color engrave?
4:12 What is a test array?
5:00 Material used in this test
5:55 Create a test array in XCS
9:38 Color engraving a project
11:28 Projects on stainless steel
11:43 Final thoughts
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