APPIH, The Future of Oil is Carbon-Negative

Описание к видео APPIH, The Future of Oil is Carbon-Negative


The Future of Oil is Carbon-Negative

Moji Karimi, Cemvita Factory

Wednesday, April 15. 2020
1 PM (central time)

The energy transition is upon us. The common story is that eventually, emission-free energy sources (i.e. solar and wind) will replace oil and gas entirely. This is also supported by the current trend for ESG investments and nation-wide efforts to combat climate change as guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Dire implications of not doing so are also warned by the Paris Agreement and the IPCC report. But, what if Oil and Gas could be emission-free? what if it could be carbon-negative?
In this presentation, Mr. Karimi will tell a new story for the energy transition while painting a realistic future for the oil and gas industry that's enabled by nature-inspired carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technology.

Mr. Karimi is the co-founder and CEO at Cemvita Factory, a biotech startup on a mission to create a carbon-negative future by transforming CO2 into valuable products. He is a multidisciplinary entrepreneur and engineer who helps ideate, develop, and commercialize groundbreaking technology with a proven track record of taking ideas to market, both at big companies and startups. Moji's experiences range from developing advanced deepwater drilling methods to several new biologically inspired technologies with applications in the energy, mining, and space industries. Moji holds BS and MS degrees in drilling and petroleum engineering, respectively.


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