April 1, 2021 Dr Maika's Employee Message

Описание к видео April 1, 2021 Dr Maika's Employee Message

In just a few hours, we start the first of two three-day weekends that we have this month. Use the time off to take a breath and prepare for the downhill side of the school year.

Since our return from Spring Break, our high schools have held in-person Summa Cum Laude receptions. We scheduled in-person high school graduations at the Alamodome. We provided COVID-19 vaccines to you and your co-workers. We continue to offer COVID-19 testing to asymptomatic and symptomatic students and staff. Thousands of you are now fully vaccinated and others are booked for the second dose.

Our efforts to help control the spread of the virus has been nothing short of monumental.

We knew - going into this pandemic the spring of 2020 - that a community-wide collaboration between you, parents, students and our partnership with medical professionals and the University Health System would see us through these times.

Helen Keller wrote that alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. This community has done so much and shines when we combine our talents and gifts.

Enjoy the three-day weekend.

Thank you for watching.

I’ll see you around the District.

North East Independent School District
8961 Tesoro Drive, Ste 112
San Antonio, TX 78217


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