Hip Flexor Massage: Psoas & Iliacus

Описание к видео Hip Flexor Massage: Psoas & Iliacus

Myofascial release for psoas and iliacus can be quite gentle, and I also show massage techniques to make the contact more direct for clients who prefer more intensity.

You'll notice that my intention in this video is mostly "softening and sinking." I don't think that the hip flexors needs a lot of digging or pinpoint work in order for the client to get results, and I actually think that too much stimulus can result in worse outcomes. This can be from further sensitization of the nervous system, or just from the client having an unpleasant experience. I've had a lot of clients convey some trepidation about psoas massage because some galoot had dug into their abdomen with no regard for their pain tolerance.

In my opinion, a lot can be accomplished with gentle work in this area. Psoas isn't used to a lot of external deformation, so just a little pressure (even if it's spread out by overlying abdominal contents and subcutaneous fat) can light up its sensory neurons like a Christmas tree. Start with soothing contact, and then consider whether more direct work might be warranted as you monitor the client's pain outcomes from session to session.

That said, I do tend to work more directly with iliacus, and I sink right into TFL. Just monitor your client's face and breathing, stay in communication, and hip flexor work can be enjoyable and fruitful.

0:00 Introduction
0:45 Why work with the hip flexors? Why not always work with them?
1:55 Anterior hip pain and the inguinal ligament
3:48 How to discuss hip flexor massage with clients
4:51 Demonstration and palpation
6:10 Massage for tensor fasciae latae (TFL)
9:48 Alternative positions for TFL work
11:38 Massage for iliacus
13:23 Bolstering on the lateral pelvis
15:50 Alternative positions and tools for iliacus massage
19:20 Why not always work with slack hip flexors?
20:00 Massage for psoas
23:40 What to do if you feel a pulse?
25:29 How to disengage from psoas
26:40 Alternative hand tool for psoas work
27:30 Side-lying work for the hip flexors
28:30 Stretching the hip flexors (with PNF stretching)
32:21 A stretch that clients can try at home

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