
Описание к видео [國考大補帖]法學英文2/民法類用語/影音有聲書

Act Governing Fees of Civil Actions 民事訴訟費用法
administrative actions for declaration 確認訴訟
affirmative defense 積極答辯
agent ad litem 訴訟代理人
amendment to correct litigation procedural errors 更正訴訟程序性的錯誤
answer 答辯狀
apparent error in law / clearly erroneous in the application of law 適用法規顯有錯誤
appeals against rulings 抗告案件
appeal cases 上訴案件
appeals dismissed 駁回上訴
appellant 上訴人
appellee 被上訴人
arbitration award 仲裁判斷
assistants 輔佐人
authentication 認證
binding force 既判力
burden of proof 舉證責任
burden of proof by preponderance of the evidence 證據優勢(美國,非我國)
capacity to be a party 當事人能力
cause of action 民事訴訟事件
civil injunctive procedure 民事保全程序
civil issues coordination 民事爭點整理
civil litigation/civil lawsuit 民事訴訟
civil mediation cases 民事調解事件
class action 集團訴訟(美國,非我國)
Code of Civil Procedure 民事訴訟法
collateral estoppel 禁反言原則
complaint 起訴狀
constitutional state 法治國
counterclaim 反訴
court costs and expenses 訴訟費用
court of the first instance/District Court 第一審法院(地方法院)
court of the second instance/Appellate 第二審法院(高等法院)
court of the third instance 第三審法院
damages 損害賠償
defendant 被告
defendant and agent ad litem 被告及訴訟代理人席
degree of proof 證明力
delay of the proceedings 延滯訴訟
demanding security 命提供擔保
depositions 法院外就訊證人之證詞
discovery or disclosure procedure 事證開示程序(美國,非我國)
doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence 自由心證原則
doctrine of distribution of the burden of proof 舉證責任分配之法則
document preservation cases 證書保存事件
pleadings 當事人書狀
verdict 陪審團判決
voir dire 陪審團選拔制度
voluntary recusal 自行迴避
winning suit 勝訴
withdrawn 撤回上訴
witness 證人
written notice 書面通知
civil procedure 民事訴訟
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 聯邦民事訴訟規則
adversary system 對抗制
jury system 陪審制度
attorney at law 代表律師
trial lawyer 出庭律師
litigator 審前律師
file an action 提起訴訟
evidence 證據
proof 證明
umpire 仲裁人
arbitrator 仲裁人
abiter 仲裁人
litigant principle 當事人主義
authority principle 職權主義
claim 主張
prove 舉證/證明
burden of proof 舉證責任
public citizen 普通公民
obligation 職責
evidential rules 證據法則
jurors 陪審員
applicable evidence 可採用的證據
cross-examination 交叉詰問
legally binding 拘束力
verdict 裁決
deliberation 審議
non-jury trial 非陪審制
judgment 判決
pleading 請求
file with the court 提起訴訟
preliminiary evidence 初步證據
complaint 起訴書
process 送達
clerk 書記官
answer 答辯
response 答辯
denial 否定答辯
to challenge the court's jurisdiction 主張法院無權管轄
precedent(s) 判例
predictability of law 法律之可預見性
presume 推定
pre-trial meetings 準備程序會議(美,非我國)
prevention from surprise judgment 突襲性裁判之防止
principle of clarity and definiteness of law 法律明確性原則
procedural capacity 訴訟能力
proceeding for payment or performance 給付訴訟
provisional attachment 假扣押
provisional injunction 假處分
recusal of judges;recusal by a judge 法官之迴避
remand or assign a case appeals 發回或發交更審
remedies 救濟方法
repealed rulings 裁定駁回
res judicata 一事不再理
revocation action by a third party 第三人撤銷訴訟
right of appeal 上訴權
right of instituting legal proceedings 訴訟權
right to be heard/ right to hearing 聽審權
right to be informed 受告知權
ruling 裁定
second instance 第二審
self-responsible mechanism 自我負責機制
service (of process) 送達
settlement 和解
simple proceeding cases 簡易訴訟程序事件
small claim cases 小額訴訟程序事件
spoliation of evidence 證明妨礙
stare decisis 判決先例拘束原則
statutory period/statute of limitation 法定期間
stay (of litigation proceedings) 訴訟程序之停止
subject-matter amounts of money 訴訟標的金額
subject matter jurisdiction 訴訟標的管轄權
subpoenas 證人到場通知
Supreme Court 最高法院
suspend the pending procedure 停止訴訟程序
the adversary system 當事人對抗制度
the party presentation principle 當事人提出原則(廣義)
third instance 第三審
transfer of jurisdiction 移送管轄
venue 管轄法院
due process of law 正當法律程序
duty to give reasons 說明理由之義務
elucidative obligation of court 法院之闡明義務
Enforcement Act of Civil Procedure Code 民事訴訟法施行法
equality of legal standing 法律上地位平等
evidence 證據
witness 鑑定人/專家證人expert
extension period 延展期間
first instance 第一審
further proceedings 繼續審判
groundless 無理由
High Court 高等法院
issue preclusion 爭點排除效
independent interventor 獨立參加人
intervention 訴訟參加
joinder of claims 客觀訴之合併
joinder of parties 追加共同訴訟人
judge 法官
judgment 判決書
jurisdiction 管轄
law not applied to or wrongly applied to judgment 判決不適用法規或適用不當
legal procedure 法定程序
legal representative 訴訟代表人
litigation act 訴訟行為
litigation in forma pauperis 訴訟救助
litigation type 訴訟種類
losing suit 敗訴
material objects as evidence 物證
mere differences in legal interpretations 法律見解歧異
motion 向法院/法官就訴訟本身提出之聲請
motion for new trial/motion for retrial 再審之訴
motion of objection 聲明異議
motion to dismiss 訴之撤回動議
motion to set aside court rulings 抗告
notification 通知書
opposite party相對人
oral arguments言詞辯論
partly winning suit and partly losing suit一部勝訴一部敗訴
peremptory period不變期間
personal jurisdiction普通審判籍
answer to the allegation做出回應
intermediate appellate court上訴法院
third party complaint 第三方加入訴訟
disclosures of evidence and discovery 證據範圍、來源的揭漏與發現
witness 人證
trial perceedings 審判程序
the jury trial 陪審團審
the bench trial 法官審
acquirement 詢問
summary judgment 結案申請
closing argument 結案陳詞
appeal 上訴
the right to appeal 上訴權
due process 制當程序
appelate court 聯邦制定法


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