Learning Agility Adaptation for Flight in Clutter

Описание к видео Learning Agility Adaptation for Flight in Clutter

The video summarizes results of the paper "Learning Agility Adaptation for Flight in Clutter".

Hierarchical RL and model-based planning for flight in uneven clutter

Perprint https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.04586

Animals learn to adapt agility of their movements to their capabilities and the environment they operate in. Mobile robots should also demonstrate this ability to combine agility and safety. The aim of this work is to endow flight vehicles with the ability of agility adaptation in prior unknown and partially observable cluttered environments. We propose a hierarchical learning and planning framework where we utilize both trial and error to comprehensively learn an agility policy with the vehicle's observation as the input, and well-established methods of model-based trajectory generation. Technically, we use online model-free reinforcement learning and a pre-training-fine-tuning reward scheme to obtain the deployable policy. The statistical results in simulation demonstrate the advantages of our method over the constant agility baselines and an alternative method in terms of flight efficiency and safety. In particular, the policy leads to intelligent behaviors, such as perception awareness, which distinguish it from other approaches. By deploying the policy to hardware, we verify that these advantages can be brought to the real world.


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