Second-Degree Type I AV Heart Block Nursing NCLEX ECG | Mobitz Type 1 | Wenckebach

Описание к видео Second-Degree Type I AV Heart Block Nursing NCLEX ECG | Mobitz Type 1 | Wenckebach

Second-degree type 1 AV heart block nursing review for nursing school, nurses, and Next Generation NCLEX review.

🫀ECG Study Guide and Workbook:

Learn how to identify a second-degree heart block an an ECG / EKG heart rhythm strip.

Heart blocks quiz:

2nd degree type I AV heart blocks are also sometimes called Mobitz type 1 or Wenckebach heart blocks.

With this type of heart block, one of the key characteristics that you'll notice is a gradual lengthening of the pr interval until a QRS complex suddenly disappears from the ECG strip. In other words, each P wave will be further away from the QRS complex until the QRS complex suddenly drops. The cycle will then repeat itself.

Watch the full video to learn about second-degree heart block causes and treatments.

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