Weight Loss with Magical Herb (Bitter Apple, الحنظل, Kor Tuma, Indrayan) health benefits; Multi Subs

Описание к видео Weight Loss with Magical Herb (Bitter Apple, الحنظل, Kor Tuma, Indrayan) health benefits; Multi Subs

Magical Herb Slimming Powder and other health benefits by Qaseem's Kitchen. Made using Kor Tumba, इंद्रायन, bitter apple, bitter melon, handal, الحنظل

WARNING: Use with care. Watch full instructions and follow advised quantity. Should not consume more than 1 gram per day and not more than half gram at one time.
This video has multiple subtitles - Arabic, English, Hindi, Punjabi, etc.

Colocynth (Bitter melon) (Bitter Apple) (Kor Tuma) is usually associated in our minds with an unbearable bitter taste, but did you know that the benefits of bitter melon are multiple despite its bitterness?

It helps cure constipation, reduces blood sugar level, influences insulin metabolism. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It also helps cure pimples, acne, and boils. All parts of the plant have some role in treating various ailments and disorders.

Bitter Melon Amazing health benefits.

Bitter melon contains high levels of important nutrients for the body, so it has multiple benefits, the most prominent of which are the following:

It protects against cancer
It was found that some substances extracted from bitter melon leaves greatly help to reduce the growth of cancer cells, especially breast cancer and stomach cancer.
The reason for this is mostly because bitter melon contains high levels of antioxidants .

Protects against diabetes
One of the most prominent benefits of bitter melon is that it helps protect against diabetes. It has been found that eating bitter melon in limited quantities by diabetics helped significantly in controlling their blood sugar level during the day.

Treats constipation
Bitter melon extract effectively helps relieve constipation and improves the health of the digestive system , as it has strong laxative properties, and bitter melon helps to strengthen the walls of the digestive tract.

Reduces bacterial reproduction
Bitter melon extract contains substances that naturally help reduce the reproduction of many bacterial strains, including E.coli .

The active substances in fighting bacteria are present in the seeds, leaves and fruits of bitter melon, meaning that all parts of the plant are beneficial for this condition.

Reduces the incidence of osteoarthritis
Bitter melon extract helps reduce the risk of osteoarthritis , and combat the causes of this annoying disease in the first place. Common symptoms of osteoarthritis are: pain, stiffness in the joints, loss of flexibility in the joints.

Because of the properties of bitter melon and its ability to fight infections, it is also effective in fighting infections associated with some chronic diseases, such as: diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's .

Contributes to lowering cholesterol
Bitter melon can be used to reduce harmful triglycerides in the body, or reduce harmful cholesterol, and bad cholesterol may cause many diseases and health problems in the circulatory system.

Restores hair growth
Since ancient times , bitter melon has been used as a natural remedy for combating hair loss , as bitter melon extract mixed with some natural oils helps greatly in hair germination, especially in void areas.

Other benefits of bitter melon are that it helps treat the following:
Acne, Cold and flu, Stool buildup, Stomach diseases, Rheumatism.

Side Effects of Bitter Apple:
After learning about the benefits of bitter melon that often results when consuming measured amounts of bitter melon and under the supervision of a doctor, it is necessary to know the harms that may appear from consuming large quantities of bitter melon.

Avoid use during pregnancy and breast feeding.
It may cause inflammations.
The fruits can cause extreme bowel pains and dangerous inflammations.
Bitter apples and extracts of these plants should not be administered to children or people having a weak constitution.
Consumption of over a gram of the fruits or seeds (dry weight basis) results in intestinal inflammation and rectal bleeding.
Lethal dosages (starting at 2 g) lead to convulsions, paralysis and, if untreated, to death through circulatory collapse.

So DO NOT USE MORE THAN 1 gram powder per day.

#weightloss using #bitterapple and #tumma powder #इंद्रायन #handal

References: https://www.healthbenefitstimes.com/f...


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