
Описание к видео ‪@GhidaMajzoub‬

‪@GhidaMajzoub‬ is someone that you need to know on a personal level, and on this episode of From LA to Beirut we delve into this amazing personality with enriching discussions. In this episode of From LA to Beirut ‪@GhidaMajzoub‬ reveals to us to hidden talents and discusses her thoughts on several topics raging from humanitarian topic to politics and many more. Ghida also shared with Rita Saikali & Jihad Saikali stories of her childhood, her passions for social advocacy and many more things. Get to know Ghida Majzoub in this wonderful episode of From LA to Beirut.

Book of the Week Summary

Although we have been successful in our careers, they have not turned out quite as we expected. We both have changed positions several times-for all the right reasons-but there are no pension plans vesting on our behalf. Our retirement funds are growing only through our individual contributions. Michael and I have a wonderful marriage with three great children. As I write this, two are in college and one is just beginning high school. We have spent a fortune making sure our children have received the best education available. One day in 1996, one of my children came home disillusioned with school. He was bored and tired of studying. “Why should I put time into studying subjects I will never use in real life?” he protested. Without thinking, I responded, “Because if you don't get good grades, you won't get into college.” “Regardless of whether I go to college,” he replied, “I'm going to be rich.”


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