Bea Alonzo PET PEEVE is the reason why she always carries this item in her bag | PEP Bag Raid

Описание к видео Bea Alonzo PET PEEVE is the reason why she always carries this item in her bag | PEP Bag Raid

Aside from letting shoot around her farm and inside her Beati Firma house, Bea Alonzo also showed the stuff she brings inside her bag every time she goes to her farm.

Among the things found inside her bag is an item that she always brings because of her pet peeve.

What is her pet peeve? Find out in this PEP Bag Raid video.

To watch PEP's other Beati Firma videos, click on the links below:
   • Take a walk around Bea Alonzo's Beati...  
   • Bea Alonzo drives around Beati Firma ...  
   • Let's go inside Bea Alonzo's farmhous...  

#PEPBagRaid #BeaAlonzo #BeatiFirma #BeaAlonzoFarm

Shoot Producer: Rachelle Siazon
Video: John Mariano, Micah Moleno, Greeko Joy Junio, & Rommel Llanes
Video Editor: Renz Mercado
Music: "Chique N Teriyaki" by Randy Sharp

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