Sudan/Adre Crossing, Flooding, Libya & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (06 Sep 2024)

Описание к видео Sudan/Adre Crossing, Flooding, Libya & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (06 Sep 2024)

Noon Briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General.

-Sudan/Adre Crossing
-CERF/South Sudan and Madagascar
-DSG Travel
-Occupied Palestinian Territory
-Democratic Republic of the Congo
-Food Price Index
-International Days

** Sudan/Adre Crossing
The UN is continuing its efforts to deliver food assistance to communities most at risk of famine in Sudan, particularly in West Darfur.
Our colleagues at the World Food Programme in Sudan tell us that, today, trucks carrying 100 metric tonnes crossed into Sudan through the Adre crossing. As you will recall, this is the crossing our Deputy Secretary-General visited last week.
In total, the World Food Programme transported over 1,500 metric tonnes of vital food and nutrition supplies, enough for nearly 130,000 people since the crossing reopened on 20 August.
Some of this assistance has already been delivered to Mornei in West Darfur – which is an area at famine risk– where over 22,000 people received emergency food rations and nearly 4,800 children and pregnant, as well as nursing women received nutritional supplements.
The rest of the assistance is on its way to other communities in West Darfur that are also at risk of famine, and those are in the Kereneik and Sirba areas.
The convoys’ progress, however, has been slowed by flooded and muddy roads as the peak of the rainy season approaches.

**CERF/South Sudan and Madagascar
There are two allocations from the Central Emergency Response Fund to announce today.
The first one is for South Sudan, which as you have seen, is facing massive floods impacting more than 700,000 people. Our Acting Emergency Relief Coordinator, Joyce Msuya, released $10 million to support our response there.
Since May, floods have damaged homes, crops and critical infrastructure. Education and health services have also been severely disrupted.
Our partners report rising malaria cases, respiratory tract infections, acute watery diarrhea, and snakebites since the onset of the rainy season.
The new funds will support life-saving assistance in the most affected counties that are home to some 900,000 people in need of emergency aid and this figure is likely to increase with the floods.
The flooding compounds the already difficult humanitarian situation in the country. In June, we and the Government of South Sudan launched a flood preparedness and response plan and for that we are seeking $264 million to support 2.4 million human beings. That plan has yet to receive any funding.
Moving on to Madagascar, also on CERF, Ms. Msuya has allocated $1 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund to mitigate the worst impacts of a locust infestation in the country.
More than 1.2 million people are already facing high food insecurity in Madagascar.
Even without the locust infection, we fear that hunger will increase during the lean-season which gets underway in October.
FAO is working with the Ministry of Agriculture in Madagascar to respond to the infestation. The new allocation from the Central Emergency Response Fund will allow for an additional 80,000 hectares of land to be treated, benefitting some 300,000 people.

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